Registration for the SIEGENIA PartnerNetwork

Data about your company
Information about your user account
Other information on registration
Overview of your data
Complete the registration

General information

Telephone number with country code e.g. +49 271 3931
Telephone number with country code e.g. +49 271 3931
Logo note:
JPG or PNG, max. 2 MB
min. 710x710 pixels

Partner database *

Do you advise the end user directly and would you like to be listed in our partner database?

Yes, I would like to be listed in the partner database.
Yes, I would like to be listed in the partner database and recommend it to my trading partners.
No, I do not advise the end user directly, but I would like to recommend it to my trading partners.
No, unfortunately it is out of the question for me.


Full email address. Multiple recipients can be specified separated by commas.

What is your current focus?




  • The prerequisite for this is that you have acquired the repair kit ( Link ) and can be sent to a practice and Have attended repair training from SIEGENIA-AUBI Sicherheits-Service GmbH.
  • The prerequisite for this is that you are a certified installer and are listed on the proof of address "installer company" of the police.
* Required field